About the Journal
The Journal of Banua Science Education is a scientific journal published by the Master Program of Natural Science Education of Lambung Mangkurat University. The journal dissemination papers are written based on the study results and literature review in the sphere of natural science education, biology education, physics education, and chemistry education in primary, secondary, and higher education. Journal of Banua Science Education publishes its issues biannually and first published in August 2020.
Brief Information:
Initial: JBSE
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527
Scope: Natural Science Education
Editor in-Chief: Dr. Suryajaya, S.Si, M.Sc.Tech.
Editorial Assistant: Fahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Managed by: Master Program of Natural Science Education ULM
Time Publishing: Twice a year
Language: Indonesia and English
Others: Widely Indexed in Directories of Journals